要将视觉元素可视化树中的节点,它实例化或派生自 C# VisualElement
类。您可以设置外观样式、定义行为并在屏幕上将其显示为 UI 的一部分。 更多信息
参见 术语表的属性绑定到 C# 中的数据源,请创建 DataBinding
的实例。使用此绑定类型,您可以在绑定实例上直接定义 dataSource
和 dataSourcePath
要在 C# 中创建运行时绑定,请按照以下步骤操作
var dataSource = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<ExampleObject>();
var root = new VisualElement
name = "root",
dataSource = dataSource
var vector3Field = new Vector3Field("Vec3 Field");
vector3Field.SetBinding("label", new DataBinding
dataSourcePath = new PropertyPath(nameof(ExampleObject.vector3Label)),
bindingMode = BindingMode.ToTarget
vector3Field.SetBinding("value", new DataBinding
dataSourcePath = new PropertyPath(nameof(ExampleObject.vector3Value))
var floatField = new FloatField("Float Field") { value = 42.2f };
floatField.SetBinding("value", new DataBinding
dataSourcePath = new PropertyPath(nameof(ExampleObject.sumOfVector3Properties))
var label = new Label("Label")
dataSourcePath = new PropertyPath(nameof(ExampleObject.dangerLevel))
// Here, we do not need to set the dataSourcePath because we will only use two bindings and they will use the same path,
// so we set the dataSourcePath on the Label directly instead.
var binding = new DataBinding
bindingMode = BindingMode.ToTarget
// Add a custom float -> string converter
binding.sourceToUiConverters.AddConverter((ref float v) =>
return v switch
>= 0 and < 1.0f/3.0f => "Danger",
>= 1.0f/3.0f and < 2.0f/3.0f => "Neutral",
_ => "Good"
// Add a custom float -> StyleColor
binding.sourceToUiConverters.AddConverter((ref float v) => new StyleColor(Color.Lerp(Color.red, Color.green, v)));
// Since the binding is targeting the same data source property, we can re-use the same instance.
label.SetBinding("text", binding);
label.SetBinding("style.backgroundColor", binding);
它等效于以下 UXML
<ui:UXML xmlns:ui="UnityEngine.UIElements" xmlns:uie="UnityEditor.UIElements" xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" engine="UnityEngine.UIElements"
editor="UnityEditor.UIElements" noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../UIElementsSchema/UIElements.xsd" editor-extension-mode="False">
<ui:VisualElement data-source="ExampleObject.asset" name="VisualElement" >
<ui:Vector3Field label="Vec3 Field">
<ui:DataBinding property="label" data-source-path="vector3Label" binding-mode="ToSource" />
<ui:DataBinding property="value" data-source-path="vector3Value" />
<ui:FloatField label="Float Field" value="42.2">
<ui:DataBinding property="value" data-source-path="sumOfVector3Properties" binding-mode="ToTarget" />
<ui:Label text="Label" data-source-path="dangerLevel">
<ui:DataBinding property="text" binding-mode="ToTarget" source-to-ui-converters="Value To Progress" />
<ui:DataBinding property="style.backgroundColor" binding-mode="ToTarget" source-to-ui-converters="Value To Progress" />
您可以像其他数据源一样创建可绑定属性,这意味着您也可以使用 VisualElement
类型和其他数据源之间的主要区别在于 VisualElement
类型具有内置版本控制。您必须使用 VisualElement
要报告更改,请调用 NotifyPropertyChanged
方法。此方法采用 BindingId
,该 ID 标识已更改的属性。以下示例显示了如何报告更改
// Creates a static readonly BindingId that is unique to this type. This is used to identify the property.
public static readonly BindingId intValueProperty = nameof(intValue);
private int m_IntValue;
public int intValue
get => m_IntValue;
if (m_IntValue == value)
m_IntValue = value;
// This instructs the binding system that a change occured.
的 value
属性,则绑定 ID 必须为 Vector3Field.valueProperty
的 x
和 z
子元素。相反,请使用绑定来同步 Vector3Field
的 value
属性与数据源的 Vector3
属性。UI 工具包不会报告 element.style
和 element.resolvedStyle