鼠标光标当前所在的 EditorWindow。(只读)
可以为 null。
将鼠标移到其他 Unity 窗口上以自动聚焦它们。
// The window appears in front of the Editor. // The window shows the type of a Unity object the cursor is over. using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine.UIElements; public class MouseOverWindowExample : EditorWindow { string mouseOver = "Nothing..."; Label label; [MenuItem("Examples/Mouse Over Example")] static void Init() { GetWindow<MouseOverWindowExample>("mouseOver"); } void CreateGUI() { label = new Label($"Mouse over: {mouseOver}"); rootVisualElement.Add(label); } void Update() { label.schedule.Execute(() => { mouseOver = EditorWindow.mouseOverWindow ? EditorWindow.mouseOverWindow.ToString() : "Nothing..."; label.text = $"Mouse over: {mouseOver}"; }).Every(10); } }