版本:Unity 6 (6000.0)
在运行时创建列表视图 UI


本示例演示如何创建复杂 ListView。



Some items in the list with their sliders moved have different colors in their palette.

您可以在此 GitHub 存储库 中找到本示例创建的完整文件。


本指南适用于熟悉 Unity 编辑器、UI(用户界面) 允许用户与您的应用程序交互。Unity 当前支持三种 UI 系统。 更多信息
请参阅 词汇表 中的定义
工具包和 C# 脚本的开发人员。在开始之前,请熟悉以下内容


本示例从 C# 脚本构建列表中的 可视元素可视树的节点,它实例化或派生自 C# VisualElement 类。您可以设置外观、定义行为以及将其作为 UI 的一部分显示在屏幕上。 更多信息
请参阅 词汇表 中的定义
。它使用自定义 CharacterInfoVisualElement 类(继承自 VisualElement)并将自定义元素绑定到 CharacterInfo 对象。

  1. 使用任何模板创建一个 Unity 项目。

  2. 项目窗口显示 Assets 文件夹内容的窗口(项目选项卡) 更多信息
    请参阅 词汇表 中的定义
    中,创建一个名为 Editor 的文件夹。

  3. Editor 文件夹中,创建一个名为 ListViewExample.cs 的 C# 脚本文件,其内容如下

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEditor;
    using UnityEngine;
    using UnityEngine.UIElements;
    public class ListViewExample : EditorWindow
        // Gradient used for the HP color indicator.
        private Gradient hpGradient;
        private GradientColorKey[] hpColorKey;
        private GradientAlphaKey[] hpAlphaKey;
        // ListView is kept for easy reference.
        private ListView listView;
        // List of CharacterInfo items, bound to the ListView.
        private List<CharacterInfo> items;
        [MenuItem("Window/ListView Custom Item")]   
        public static void OpenWindow()
        private void OnEnable()
            // Create and populate the list of CharacterInfo objects.
            const int itemCount = 50;
            items = new List<CharacterInfo>(itemCount);
            for(int i = 1; i <= itemCount; i++)
                CharacterInfo character = new CharacterInfo {name = $"Character {i}", maxHp = 100};
                character.currentHp = character.maxHp;
            // The ListView calls this to add visible items to the scroller.
            Func<VisualElement> makeItem = () =>
                var characterInfoVisualElement = new CharacterInfoVisualElement();
                var slider = characterInfoVisualElement.Q<SliderInt>(name: "hp");
                slider.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt =>
                    var hpColor = characterInfoVisualElement.Q<VisualElement>("hpColor");
                    var i = (int)slider.userData;
                    var characterInfo = items[i];
                    characterInfo.currentHp = evt.newValue;
                    SetHp(slider, hpColor, characterInfo);
                return characterInfoVisualElement;
            // The ListView calls this if a new item becomes visible when the item first appears on the screen, 
            // when a user scrolls, or when the dimensions of the scroller are changed.
            Action<VisualElement, int> bindItem = (e, i) => BindItem(e as CharacterInfoVisualElement, i);
            // Height used by the ListView to determine the total height of items in the list.
            int itemHeight = 55;
            // Use the constructor with initial values to create the ListView.
            listView = new ListView(items, itemHeight, makeItem, bindItem);
            listView.reorderable = false;
            listView.style.flexGrow = 1f; // Fills the window, at least until the toggle below.
            listView.showBorder = true;
            // Add a toggle to switch the reorderable property of the ListView.
            var reorderToggle = new Toggle("Reorderable");
            reorderToggle.style.marginTop = 10f;
            reorderToggle.value = false;
            reorderToggle.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => listView.reorderable = evt.newValue);
        // Sets up the gradient.
        private void SetGradient()
            hpGradient = new Gradient();
            // HP at 0%: Red. At 10%: Dark orange. At 40%: Yellow. At 100%: Green.
            hpColorKey = new GradientColorKey[4];
            hpColorKey[0] = new GradientColorKey(Color.red, 0f);
            hpColorKey[1] = new GradientColorKey(new Color(1f, 0.55f, 0f), 0.1f); // Dark orange
            hpColorKey[2] = new GradientColorKey(Color.yellow, 0.4f);
            hpColorKey[3] = new GradientColorKey(Color.green, 1f);
            // Alpha is always full.
            hpAlphaKey = new GradientAlphaKey[2];
            hpAlphaKey[0] = new GradientAlphaKey(1f, 0f);
            hpAlphaKey[1] = new GradientAlphaKey(1f, 1f);
            hpGradient.SetKeys(hpColorKey, hpAlphaKey);
        // Bind the data (characterInfo) to the display (elem).
        private void BindItem(CharacterInfoVisualElement elem, int i)
            var label = elem.Q<Label>(name: "nameLabel");
            var slider = elem.Q<SliderInt>(name: "hp");
            var hpColor = elem.Q<VisualElement>("hpColor");
            slider.userData = i;
            CharacterInfo characterInfo = items[i];
            label.text = characterInfo.name;
            SetHp(slider, hpColor, characterInfo);
        private void SetHp(SliderInt slider, VisualElement colorIndicator, CharacterInfo characterInfo)
            slider.highValue = characterInfo.maxHp;
            float ratio = (float)characterInfo.currentHp / characterInfo.maxHp;
            colorIndicator.style.backgroundColor = hpGradient.Evaluate(ratio);
        // This class inherits from VisualElement to display and modify data to and from a CharacterInfo.
        public class CharacterInfoVisualElement : VisualElement
            // Use Constructor when the ListView uses makeItem and returns a VisualElement to be 
            // bound to a CharacterInfo data class.
            public CharacterInfoVisualElement()
                var root = new VisualElement();
                // The code below to style the ListView is for demo purpose. It's better to use a USS file
                // to style a visual element. 
                root.style.paddingTop = 3f;
                root.style.paddingRight = 0f;
                root.style.paddingBottom = 15f;
                root.style.paddingLeft = 3f;
                root.style.borderBottomColor = Color.gray;
                root.style.borderBottomWidth = 1f;
                var nameLabel = new Label() {name = "nameLabel"};
                nameLabel.style.fontSize = 14f;
                var hpContainer = new VisualElement();
                hpContainer.style.flexDirection = FlexDirection.Row;
                hpContainer.style.paddingLeft = 15f;
                hpContainer.style.paddingRight = 15f;
                hpContainer.Add(new Label("HP:"));
                var hpSlider = new SliderInt {name = "hp", lowValue = 0, highValue = 100};
                hpSlider.style.flexGrow = 1f;
                var hpColor = new VisualElement();
                hpColor.name = "hpColor";
                hpColor.style.height = 15f;
                hpColor.style.width = 15f;
                hpColor.style.marginRight = 5f;
                hpColor.style.marginBottom = 5f;
                hpColor.style.marginLeft = 5f;
                hpColor.style.backgroundColor = Color.black;
        // Basic data class used for a character, with a name and HP data. Use a list of CharacterInfo as
        // a data source for the ListView. The CharacterInfo can be bound to CharacterInfoVisualElement when needed.    
        public class CharacterInfo
            public string name;
            public int maxHp;
            public int currentHp;
  4. 要查看示例,请从菜单中选择 **窗口** > **ListView 自定义项目**。


在运行时创建列表视图 UI