版本: Unity 6 (6000.0)
  • C#




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overlay 要添加的 Overlay。
show 如果为 True,则立即显示 Overlay,如果为 False,则添加而不显示。


将一个 Overlay 添加到此画布。添加的 Overlay 将在关联的 EditorWindow 中显示,直到它们被移除。

在大多数情况下,Overlay 使用 OverlayAttribute 自动实例化。但是,也可以直接从 OverlayCanvas 添加和移除 Overlay。这对于需要某些上下文的短暂 Overlay 很有用。例如,作为编辑器的扩展。

使用此方法添加的 Overlay 必须实现 ITransientOverlay。一个 Overlay 只能属于一个 OverlayCanvas。要在多个窗口中显示一个 Overlay,您必须为每个窗口实例化一个 Overlay

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.Overlays;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

// Attach this MonoBehaviour to a GameObject to view the example Overlay in the last active Scene View class OverlayCanvasExample : MonoBehaviour {}

// An Editor for our OverlayCanvasExample MonoBehaviour. This will show and hide the example Overlay when a GameObject // with the OverlayCanvasExample component is selected and deselected. [CustomEditor(typeof(OverlayCanvasExample))] class OverlayCanvasExampleEditor : UnityEditor.Editor { ExampleEditorOverlay m_Overlay;

void OnEnable() { // Create a new Overlay with a label indicating the selected GameObject name. m_Overlay = new ExampleEditorOverlay(name); SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.overlayCanvas.Add(m_Overlay); }

void OnDisable() { // If the Overlay has not already been closed, close it when this editor is disabled. Added Overlays will // persist until they are closed. m_Overlay?.Close(); } }

class ExampleEditorOverlay : Overlay, ITransientOverlay { // Overlays added directly to the canvas must implement ITransientOverlay, meaning they control their own lifecycle. public bool visible => true;

string m_Message;

public ExampleEditorOverlay(string message) { m_Message = message; }

public override VisualElement CreatePanelContent() { var root = new VisualElement(); root.Add(new Label(m_Message)); root.Add(new Button(Close) { text = "Close" }); return root; } }