添加已使用方法属性 TFilterAttribute 标识的所有自定义筛选器。
有关自定义属性的更多信息,请参阅 QueryEngineFilterAttribute 和 QueryEngineParameterTransformerAttribute。
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Search; using UnityEngine; static class Example_QueryEngine_AddFilterFromAttribute { static List<MyObjectType> s_Data; [MenuItem("Examples/QueryEngine/AddFiltersFromAttribute")] public static void RunExample() { // Set up the query engine var queryEngine = new QueryEngine<MyObjectType>(); queryEngine.AddFilter("id", myObj => myObj.id); queryEngine.SetSearchDataCallback(myObj => new[] { myObj.id.ToString(), myObj.name }); SetupPropertyHandlers(queryEngine); // Register filters with our own attributes queryEngine.AddFiltersFromAttribute<MyObjectFilterAttribute, MyObjectFilterParameterTransformerAttribute>(); s_Data = new List<MyObjectType>() { new MyObjectType { id = 0, name = "Test 1", values = new float[] {2, 20, 42} }, new MyObjectType { id = 1, name = "Test 2", values = new float[] {16, 64, 128} }, new MyObjectType { id = 2, name = "Test 3", values = new float[] {123, 48, 20}, property = new Property("size", PropertyType.Integer, 64) }, new MyObjectType { id = 3, name = "Test 4", values = new float[] {98, 45, 1}, property = new Property("size", PropertyType.Integer, 128) }, new MyObjectType { id = 4, name = "Test 5", values = new float[] {3, 51, 78}, property = new Property("tag", PropertyType.String, "item") }, new MyObjectType { id = 5, name = "Test 6", values = new float[] {321, 58, 32}, property = new Property("tag", PropertyType.String, "car item") } }; // Find all items with values at index 1 lower or equal to 32 var query = queryEngine.ParseQuery("v(1)<=32"); var filteredData = query.Apply(s_Data).ToList(); Debug.Assert(filteredData.Count == 1, $"There should be 1 item in the filtered list but found {filteredData.Count} items."); Debug.Assert(filteredData.Contains(s_Data[0]), "The first item should be in the list."); // Find all items with property size greater or equal to 128 query = queryEngine.ParseQuery("#size>=128"); filteredData = query.Apply(s_Data).ToList(); Debug.Assert(filteredData.Count == 1, $"There should be 1 item in the filtered list but found {filteredData.Count} items."); Debug.Assert(filteredData.Contains(s_Data[3]), $"The item \"{s_Data[3].name}\" should be in the list."); } static void SetupPropertyHandlers(QueryEngine<MyObjectType> qe) { qe.AddOperatorHandler(":", (Property v, int number, StringComparison sc) => PropertyIntCompare(v, number, (f, r) => f.ToString().IndexOf(r.ToString()) != -1)); qe.AddOperatorHandler("=", (Property v, int number) => PropertyIntCompare(v, number, (f, r) => f == r)); qe.AddOperatorHandler("!=", (Property v, int number) => PropertyIntCompare(v, number, (f, r) => f != r)); qe.AddOperatorHandler("<=", (Property v, int number) => PropertyIntCompare(v, number, (f, r) => f <= r)); qe.AddOperatorHandler("<", (Property v, int number) => PropertyIntCompare(v, number, (f, r) => f < r)); qe.AddOperatorHandler(">", (Property v, int number) => PropertyIntCompare(v, number, (f, r) => f > r)); qe.AddOperatorHandler(">=", (Property v, int number) => PropertyIntCompare(v, number, (f, r) => f >= r)); qe.AddOperatorHandler(":", (Property v, string s, StringComparison sc) => PropertyStringCompare(v, s, (f, r) => f.IndexOf(r, sc) != -1)); qe.AddOperatorHandler("=", (Property v, string s, StringComparison sc) => PropertyStringCompare(v, s, (f, r) => string.Equals(f, r, sc))); qe.AddOperatorHandler("!=", (Property v, string s, StringComparison sc) => PropertyStringCompare(v, s, (f, r) => !string.Equals(f, r, sc))); qe.AddOperatorHandler("<=", (Property v, string s, StringComparison sc) => PropertyStringCompare(v, s, (f, r) => string.Compare(f, r, sc) <= 0)); qe.AddOperatorHandler("<", (Property v, string s, StringComparison sc) => PropertyStringCompare(v, s, (f, r) => string.Compare(f, r, sc) < 0)); qe.AddOperatorHandler(">", (Property v, string s, StringComparison sc) => PropertyStringCompare(v, s, (f, r) => string.Compare(f, r, sc) > 0)); qe.AddOperatorHandler(">=", (Property v, string s, StringComparison sc) => PropertyStringCompare(v, s, (f, r) => string.Compare(f, r, sc) >= 0)); } static bool PropertyStringCompare(Property p, string s, Func<string, string, bool> comparer) { if (p.type != PropertyType.String) return false; return comparer((string)p.value, s); } static bool PropertyIntCompare(Property p, int number, Func<int, int, bool> comparer) { if (p.type != PropertyType.Integer) return false; return comparer((int)p.value, number); } // Define a filter for a "value" property [MyObjectFilter("v", "ParseFilterValuesIndex")] static float FilterValues(MyObjectType myObj, int index) { return myObj.values[index]; } // Define the parameter transformer for the filter "FilterValues" [MyObjectFilterParameterTransformer] static int ParseFilterValuesIndex(string param) { if (int.TryParse(param, NumberStyles.Number, new NumberFormatInfo(), out var i)) return i; return 0; } // Define a regular expression filter for the property "property". [MyObjectFilter("#([\\w.]+)", true)] static Property FilterProperty(MyObjectType myObj, string filterMatch) { if (myObj.property.name == filterMatch) return myObj.property; return Property.invalid; } // Create a new attribute in order to register filters of this type only class MyObjectFilterAttribute : QueryEngineFilterAttribute { public MyObjectFilterAttribute(string token, string[] supportedOperators = null) : base(token, supportedOperators) {} public MyObjectFilterAttribute(string token, StringComparison options, string[] supportedOperators = null) : base(token, options, supportedOperators) {} public MyObjectFilterAttribute(string token, string paramTransformerFunction, string[] supportedOperators = null) : base(token, paramTransformerFunction, supportedOperators) {} public MyObjectFilterAttribute(string token, string paramTransformerFunction, StringComparison options, string[] supportedOperators = null) : base(token, paramTransformerFunction, options, supportedOperators) {} public MyObjectFilterAttribute(string token, bool useRegularExpression, string[] supportedOperators = null) : base(token, useRegularExpression, supportedOperators) {} public MyObjectFilterAttribute(string token, bool useRegularExpression, StringComparison options, string[] supportedOperators = null) : base(token, useRegularExpression, options, supportedOperators) {} public MyObjectFilterAttribute(string token, bool useRegularExpression, string paramTransformerFunction, string[] supportedOperators = null) : base(token, useRegularExpression, paramTransformerFunction, supportedOperators) {} public MyObjectFilterAttribute(string token, bool useRegularExpression, string paramTransformerFunction, StringComparison options, string[] supportedOperators = null) : base(token, useRegularExpression, paramTransformerFunction, options, supportedOperators) {} } class MyObjectFilterParameterTransformerAttribute : QueryEngineParameterTransformerAttribute {} enum PropertyType { None, Integer, String, Integer_Array } struct Property { public string name { get; } public PropertyType type { get; } public object value { get; set; } public Property(string name, PropertyType type, object value) { this.name = name; this.type = type; this.value = value; } public static Property invalid = new Property(string.Empty, PropertyType.None, null); } class MyObjectType { public int id { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } = string.Empty; public Vector2 position { get; set; } = Vector2.zero; public bool active { get; set; } public float[] values { get; set; } = new float[0]; public Property property { get; set; } = Property.invalid; public override string ToString() { return $"({id}, {name}, ({position.x}, {position.y}), {active})"; } } }