The propertyType 属性将所有支持的整数类型归类为 SerializedPropertyType.Integer,并将单精度和双精度浮点类型归类为 SerializedPropertyType.Float。此属性公开了精确类型,例如 SerializedPropertyNumericType.UInt8 和 SerializedPropertyNumericType.Double,比使用基于字符串的 type 属性更有效。对于枚举属性 (SerializedPropertyType.Enum),它返回基础类型。对于非数值类型,它返回 SerializedPropertyNumericType.Unknown。
using System; using System.Text; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine;
public class NumericTypeExample : ScriptableObject { public byte m_byte; public int m_int; public long m_long; public float m_float; public double m_double;
[Flags] public enum UIntFlags : uint { None = 0, Flag31 = 1 << 30, Flag32 = 1u << 31, } public UIntFlags m_uintFlags; public string m_string;
[MenuItem("Example/SerializedProperty NumericType API")] static void TestMethod() { // This example demonstrates how numericType exposes more precise details of the type NumericTypeExample obj = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<NumericTypeExample>(); SerializedObject serializedObject = new SerializedObject(obj);
var serializedProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_byte"); var sb = new StringBuilder(); do { sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Name: {0,-11} propertyType: {1,-7} numericType: {2}", serializedProperty.name, serializedProperty.propertyType, serializedProperty.numericType)); } while (serializedProperty.Next(false));
//Expected output: //Name: m_byte propertyType: Integer numericType: UInt8 //Name: m_int propertyType: Integer numericType: Int32 //Name: m_long propertyType: Integer numericType: Int64 //Name: m_float propertyType: Float numericType: Float //Name: m_double propertyType: Float numericType: Double //Name: m_uintFlags propertyType: Enum numericType: UInt32 //Name: m_string propertyType: String numericType: Unknown Debug.Log(sb.ToString()); } }