版本: Unity 6 (6000.0)
  • C#


UnityEditor.MPE 中的类



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ChannelService 封装了在 Unity 中运行的 WebSocket 服务器。

ChannelService 允许您创建新的通信通道。通道与连接到 ChannelService 的 URL 路由匹配。例如,“<channelName>”

ChannelService 允许自定义处理程序接收特定通道上的所有消息。

Unity 不会自动启动 ChannelService。您必须使用 ChannelService.Start 手动启动它。或者,您可以使用以下命令行开关:--ump-channel-service-on-startup。

using System;
using System.Text;
using UnityEditor.MPE;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public static class ChannelCommunicationDocExample { [MenuItem("ChannelDoc/Step 1")] static void StartChannelService() { if (!ChannelService.IsRunning()) { ChannelService.Start(); } Debug.Log($"[Step1] ChannelService Running: {ChannelService.GetAddress()}:{ChannelService.GetPort()}"); }

static int s_BinaryChannelId; static int s_StringChannelId; static Action s_DisconnectBinaryChannel; static Action s_DisconnectStringChannel;

[MenuItem("ChannelDoc/Step 2")] static void SetupChannelService() { if (s_DisconnectBinaryChannel == null) { s_DisconnectBinaryChannel = ChannelService.GetOrCreateChannel("custom_binary_ping_pong", HandleChannelBinaryMessage); s_BinaryChannelId = ChannelService.ChannelNameToId("custom_binary_ping_pong"); } Debug.Log($"[Step2] Setup channel_custom_binary id: {s_BinaryChannelId}");

if (s_DisconnectStringChannel == null) { s_DisconnectStringChannel = ChannelService.GetOrCreateChannel("custom_ascii_ping_pong", HandleChannelStringMessage); s_StringChannelId = ChannelService.ChannelNameToId("custom_ascii_ping_pong"); } Debug.Log($"[Step2] Setup channel_custom_ascii id: {s_StringChannelId}"); }

static void HandleChannelBinaryMessage(int connectionId, byte[] data) { var msg = ""; for (var i = 0; i < Math.Min(10, data.Length); ++i) { msg += data[i].ToString(); } Debug.Log($"Channel Handling binary from connection {connectionId} - {data.Length} bytes - {msg}");

// Client has sent a message (this is a ping) // Lets send back the same message (as a pong) ChannelService.Send(connectionId, data); }

static void HandleChannelStringMessage(int connectionId, byte[] data) { // Client has sent a message (this is a ping) // Client expects string data. Encode the data and send it back as a string:

var msgStr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); Debug.Log($"Channel Handling string from connection {connectionId} - {msgStr}");

// Send back the same message (as a pong) ChannelService.Send(connectionId, msgStr); }

static ChannelClient s_BinaryClient; static Action s_DisconnectBinaryClient; static ChannelClient s_StringClient; static Action s_DisconnectStringClient; [MenuItem("ChannelDoc/Step 3")] static void SetupChannelClient() { const bool autoTick = true;

if (s_BinaryClient == null) { s_BinaryClient = ChannelClient.GetOrCreateClient("custom_binary_ping_pong"); s_BinaryClient.Start(autoTick); s_DisconnectBinaryClient = s_BinaryClient.RegisterMessageHandler(HandleClientBinaryMessage); } Debug.Log($"[Step3] Setup client for channel custom_binary_ping_pong. ClientId: {s_BinaryClient.clientId}");

if (s_StringClient == null) { s_StringClient = ChannelClient.GetOrCreateClient("custom_ascii_ping_pong"); s_StringClient.Start(autoTick); s_DisconnectStringClient = s_StringClient.RegisterMessageHandler(HandleClientStringMessage); } Debug.Log($"[Step3] Setup client for channel custom_ascii_ping_pong. ClientId: {s_StringClient.clientId}"); }

static void HandleClientBinaryMessage(byte[] data) { Debug.Log($"Receiving pong binary data: {data} for clientId: {s_BinaryClient.clientId} with channelName: {s_BinaryClient.channelName}"); }

static void HandleClientStringMessage(string data) { Debug.Log($"Receiving pong data: {data} for clientId: {s_StringClient.clientId} with channelName: {s_StringClient.channelName}"); }

[MenuItem("ChannelDoc/Step 4")] static void ClientSendMessageToServer() { Debug.Log("[Step 4]: Clients are sending data!"); s_BinaryClient.Send(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }); s_StringClient.Send("Hello world!"); }

[MenuItem("ChannelDoc/Step 5")] static void CloseClients() { Debug.Log("[Step 5]: Closing clients"); s_DisconnectBinaryClient(); s_BinaryClient.Close();

s_DisconnectStringClient(); s_StringClient.Close(); }

[MenuItem("ChannelDoc/Step 6")] static void CloseService() { Debug.Log("[Step 6]: Closing clients");

s_DisconnectBinaryChannel(); s_DisconnectStringChannel();

ChannelService.Stop(); } }

/* When you execute the menu items one after the other, Unity prints the following messages to the Console window:

[Step1] ChannelService Running:

[Step2] Setup channel_custom_binary id: -1698345965

[Step2] Setup channel_custom_ascii id: -930064725

[Step3] Setup client for channel custom_binary_ping_pong. ClientId: -1698345965

[Step3] Setup client for channel custom_ascii_ping_pong. ClientId: -930064725

[Step 4]: Clients are sending data!

Channel Handling binary from connection 1 - 8 bytes - 01234567

Channel Handling string from connection 2 - Hello world!

Receiving pong binary data: System.Byte[] for clientId: -1698345965 with channelName: custom_binary_ping_pong

Receiving pong data: Hello world! for clientId: -930064725 with channelName: custom_ascii_ping_pong

[Step 5]: Closing clients

[Step 6]: Closing clients



广播向特定通道的所有 ChannelClient 连接发送消息。
BroadcastBinary向特定通道的所有 ChannelClient 连接发送消息。
GetAddress获取 ChannelService 的地址。这始终是本地地址。例如,。
GetChannelClientList获取连接到 ChannelService 的所有通道客户端列表。
GetChannelList获取 ChannelService 中打开的通道列表。默认情况下,ChannelService 始终具有“status”通道和“events”通道。
GetPort检索 ChannelService 运行的端口。此端口在 ChannelService 首次启动时随机选择。或者,您可以使用命令行中的 --ump-channel-service-port <portNumber> 开关指定端口。
IsRunning检查 ChannelService 是否正在运行并侦听新连接。
Send向特定连接发送消息。消息可以是二进制或 UTF8。
Start启动 ChannelService。启动 ChannelService 后,它会侦听以下 URL 的连接:<ChannelService 地址>:<ChannelService 端口>/<通道名称>,例如,。请参阅 ChannelService.GetAddress 和 ChannnelService.GetPort。
Stop停止 ChannelService 侦听连接,并关闭任何已建立的连接。
UnregisterMessageHandler从 Channel 中注销特定处理程序。