如果 MonoBehaviour 已启用,则 Update 将在每一帧调用。
是实现任何类型游戏脚本最常用的函数。并非每个 MonoBehaviour
脚本都需要 Update
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;
// The ExampleClass starts with Awake. The GameObject class has activeSelf // set to false. When activeSelf is set to true the Start() and Update() // functions will be called causing the ExampleClass to run. // Note that ExampleClass (Script) in the Inspector is turned off. It // needs to be ticked to make script call Start.
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { private float update;
void Awake() { Debug.Log("Awake"); update = 0.0f; }
IEnumerator Start() { Debug.Log("Start1"); yield return new WaitForSeconds(2.5f); Debug.Log("Start2"); }
void Update() { update += Time.deltaTime; if (update > 1.0f) { update = 0.0f; Debug.Log("Update"); } } }
为了获取自上次调用 Update 以来经过的时间,请使用 Time.deltaTime。仅当 Behaviour 已启用时才会调用此函数。覆盖此函数以提供组件的功能。