逆矩阵与原始矩阵相乘会得出 恒等 矩阵。
如果 as 矩阵以特定方式变换向量,则逆矩阵可以将向量变换回去。例如,Transform 的 worldToLocalMatrix 和 localToWorldMatrix 互相是逆矩阵。
对于常规的 3D 变换矩阵,使用 Inverse3DAffine 方法可以更快速。
不能求 行列式 为零的矩阵的逆。如果尝试这样做,inverse
将返回 Matrix4x4.zero。
using UnityEngine;
// Stretch a mesh at an arbitrary angle around the X axis [RequireComponent(typeof(MeshFilter))] public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour { // Angle and amount of stretching public float rotAngle = 30; public float stretch = 3;
MeshFilter mf; Vector3[] origVerts; Vector3[] newVerts;
void Start() { // Get the Mesh Filter component, save its original vertices // and make a new vertex array for processing. mf = GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); origVerts = mf.mesh.vertices; newVerts = new Vector3[origVerts.Length]; }
void Update() { // Create a rotation matrix from a Quaternion Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Euler(rotAngle, 0, 0); Matrix4x4 m = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, rot, Vector3.one);
// Get the inverse of the matrix: undo the rotation Matrix4x4 inv = m.inverse;
// For each vertex: for (var i = 0; i < origVerts.Length; i++) { // Rotate the vertex and scale it along its new Y axis Vector3 pt = m.MultiplyPoint3x4(origVerts[i]); pt.y *= stretch;
// Return the vertex to its original rotation (but with the // scaling still applied). newVerts[i] = inv.MultiplyPoint3x4(pt); }
// Assign the transformed vertices to the mesh mf.mesh.vertices = newVerts; } }