delayedSync | 布尔值,表示视图之间是否仅在释放视图时同步,或针对每一项操作同步。默认值为 false。 |
返回一个 SearchMonitorView,以访问搜索的主 PropertyDatabases。
支持多次嵌套调用 GetView。如果这些调用位于同一线程上,它将返回同一实例,以避免开启和关闭新的视图。如果这些调用位于不同的线程上,将开启新的视图。以下是一个自定义场景 SearchProvider 的示例,它使用 GetView 将数据缓存到搜索的主 PropertyDatabases 中,以提高搜索速度
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Search; using UnityEngine; static class CustomSceneProvider { const string k_ProviderId = "customSceneProvider"; static QueryEngine<GameObject> s_QueryEngine; [SearchItemProvider] public static SearchProvider CreateSearchProvider() { return new SearchProvider(k_ProviderId, "Custom Scene") { filterId = "csp:", isExplicitProvider = true, fetchItems = (context, items, provider) => FetchItems(context, provider), onEnable = OnEnable }; } static void OnEnable() { s_QueryEngine = new QueryEngine<GameObject>(true); s_QueryEngine.SetSearchDataCallback(go => new []{ }); s_QueryEngine.AddFilter("p", OnPropertyFilter, s => s, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // Setup all the SearchValue handlers. SearchValue.SetupEngine(s_QueryEngine); } static IEnumerable<SearchItem> FetchItems(SearchContext context, SearchProvider provider) { // Parse the search query. var query = s_QueryEngine.ParseQuery(context.searchQuery); if (query == null) yield break; // If there are any errors, report them. if (!query.valid) { foreach (var queryError in query.errors) { context.AddSearchQueryError(new SearchQueryError(queryError, context, provider)); } yield break; } // Open a view on Search's main PropertyDatabases for the duration of the search. By opening // a view here, it reduces the time spent opening new views for each game object we filter in OnPropertyFilter. using (SearchMonitor.GetView()) { var filteredObjects = query.Apply(SearchUtils.FetchGameObjects()); foreach (var filteredObject in filteredObjects) { var instanceId = filteredObject.GetHashCode(); yield return provider.CreateItem(context, instanceId.ToString(), ~instanceId,, null, null, null); } } } static SearchValue OnPropertyFilter(GameObject go, string propertyName) { if (!go) return SearchValue.invalid; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)) return SearchValue.invalid; // Opening a view here will only return the existing instance of the view if it's already open. using (var view = SearchMonitor.GetView()) { var documentKey = GetDocumentKey(go); var propertyPath = GetPropertyPath(go, propertyName); var recordKey = PropertyDatabase.CreateRecordKey(documentKey, PropertyDatabase.CreatePropertyHash(propertyPath)); if (view.TryLoadProperty(recordKey, out object data) && data is SearchValue sv) return sv; foreach (var c in EnumerateSubObjects(go)) { var property = FindPropertyValue(c, propertyName); if (property.valid) { view.StoreProperty(recordKey, property); return property; } } view.StoreProperty(recordKey, SearchValue.invalid); } return SearchValue.invalid; } static IEnumerable<UnityEngine.Object> EnumerateSubObjects(GameObject go) { yield return go; var gocs = go.GetComponents<Component>(); for (int componentIndex = 0; componentIndex < gocs.Length; ++componentIndex) { var c = gocs[componentIndex]; if (!c || (c.hideFlags & HideFlags.HideInInspector) == HideFlags.HideInInspector) continue; yield return c; } } static SearchValue FindPropertyValue(UnityEngine.Object obj, string propertyName) { var property = FindProperty(obj, propertyName, out var so); if (property == null) return SearchValue.invalid; var v = SearchValue.ConvertPropertyValue(property); so?.Dispose(); return v; } static SerializedProperty FindProperty(UnityEngine.Object obj, string propertyPath, out SerializedObject so) { if (!obj) { so = null; return null; } so = new SerializedObject(obj); var property = so.FindProperty(propertyPath); if (property != null) return property; property = so.FindProperty($"m_{propertyPath}"); if (property != null) { return property; } property = so.GetIterator(); var next = property.NextVisible(true); while (next) { if (, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || (" ") &&" ", "").EndsWith(propertyPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { return property; } next = property.NextVisible(property.hasChildren); } so?.Dispose(); so = null; return null; } static ulong GetDocumentKey(GameObject go) { if (!go) return ulong.MaxValue; if (!go.scene.IsValid() || string.IsNullOrEmpty(go.scene.path)) return ulong.MaxValue; // We return the scene path's hash code as the document key. This is the same key // that the SearchMonitor uses to invalidate assets that have been modified. return AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(go.scene.path).GetHashCode64(); } static string GetPropertyPath(GameObject go, string propertyName) { var hierarchyPath = SearchUtils.GetHierarchyPath(go); return $"{hierarchyPath}/{propertyName}"; } static ulong GetHashCode64(this string strText) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strText)) return 0; var s1 = (ulong)strText.Substring(0, strText.Length / 2).GetHashCode(); var s2 = (ulong)strText.Substring(strText.Length / 2).GetHashCode(); return s1 << 32 | s2; } }
请参阅 SearchMonitorView 了解更多详情。