使用此委托在 VisualElement 的内容区域中生成自定义几何图形。
此委托在 VisualElement 的初始创建期间以及每次需要重绘时调用。此委托并非在每一帧刷新时都调用。要强制重绘,请调用 VisualElement.MarkDirtyRepaint。
注意:当您在处理程序中执行代码以调用此委托时,请勿更新 VisualElement 的任何属性,因为这可能会更改生成的内容并导致意外的副作用,例如延迟或更新丢失。为避免这种情况,请在委托内将 VisualElement 视为只读。
//This example creates a custom element that dynamically renders a textured rectangle //based on the element’s size.
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements;
public class TexturedElement : VisualElement { static readonly Vertex[] k_Vertices = new Vertex[4]; static readonly ushort[] k_Indices = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0 };
static TexturedElement() { k_Vertices[0].tint = Color.white; k_Vertices[1].tint = Color.white; k_Vertices[2].tint = Color.white; k_Vertices[3].tint = Color.white;
k_Vertices[0].uv = new Vector2(0, 0); k_Vertices[1].uv = new Vector2(0, 1); k_Vertices[2].uv = new Vector2(1, 1); k_Vertices[3].uv = new Vector2(1, 0); }
Texture2D m_Texture;
public TexturedElement() { //This element grows to fill the available space. style.flexGrow = 1.0f; //Subscribes the OnGenerateVisualContent method to the generateVisualContent delegate. generateVisualContent += OnGenerateVisualContent;
//Create a simple 2x2 checkerboard texture. m_Texture = new Texture2D(2, 2); m_Texture.SetPixels(new Color[] { Color.white, Color.black, Color.black, Color.white }); m_Texture.Apply();
//You can also load a texture from a file. //m_Texture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>("Assets/tex.png"); }
//This method is called when the element needs to render its content. void OnGenerateVisualContent(MeshGenerationContext mgc) { Rect r = contentRect; if (r.width < 0.01f || r.height < 0.01f) return; // Skip rendering when too small.
float left = 0; float right = r.width; float top = 0; float bottom = r.height;
k_Vertices[0].position = new Vector3(left, bottom, Vertex.nearZ); k_Vertices[1].position = new Vector3(left, top, Vertex.nearZ); k_Vertices[2].position = new Vector3(right, top, Vertex.nearZ); k_Vertices[3].position = new Vector3(right, bottom, Vertex.nearZ);
MeshWriteData mwd = mgc.Allocate(k_Vertices.Length, k_Indices.Length, m_Texture);
mwd.SetAllVertices(k_Vertices); mwd.SetAllIndices(k_Indices); } }