using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Overlays;
using UnityEditor.Toolbars;
using UnityEngine;
// [EditorToolbarElement(Identifier, EditorWindowType)] is used to register toolbar elements for use in ToolbarOverlay
// implementations.
[EditorToolbarElement(id, typeof(SceneView))]
class CreateCubes : EditorToolbarButton, IAccessContainerWindow
// This ID is used to populate toolbar elements.
public const string id = "ExampleToolbar/Button";
// IAccessContainerWindow provides a way for toolbar elements to access the `EditorWindow` in which they exist.
// Here we use `containerWindow` to focus the camera on our newly instantiated objects after creation.
public EditorWindow containerWindow { get; set; }
// As this is ultimately just a VisualElement, it is appropriate to place initialization logic in the constructor.
// In this method you can also register to any additional events as required. Here we will just set up the basics:
// a tooltip, icon, and action.
public CreateCubes()
// A toolbar element can be either text, icon, or a combination of the two. Keep in mind that if a toolbar is
// docked horizontally the text will be clipped, so usually it's a good idea to specify an icon.
text = "Create Cubes";
icon = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>("Assets/CreateCubesIcon.png");
tooltip = "Instantiate some cubes in the scene.";
clicked += OnClick;
// This method will be invoked when the `CreateCubes` button is clicked.
void OnClick()
var parent = new GameObject("Cubes").transform;
// When writing editor tools don't forget to be a good citizen and implement Undo!
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(parent.gameObject, "Create Cubes in Sphere");
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
var cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube).transform;
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(cube.gameObject, "Create Cubes in Sphere");
cube.position = Random.insideUnitSphere * 25;
cube.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Random.onUnitSphere);
Undo.SetTransformParent(cube, parent, "Create Cubes in Sphere");
Selection.activeTransform = parent;
if (containerWindow is SceneView view)
// Same as above, except this time we'll create a toggle + dropdown toolbar item.
[EditorToolbarElement(id, typeof(SceneView))]
class DropdownToggleExample : EditorToolbarDropdownToggle, IAccessContainerWindow
public const string id = "ExampleToolbar/DropdownToggle";
// This property is specified by IAccessContainerWindow and is used to access the Overlay's EditorWindow.
public EditorWindow containerWindow { get; set; }
static int colorIndex = 0;
static readonly Color[] colors = new Color[] {,, Color.cyan };
text = "Color Bar";
tooltip = "Display a color swatch in the top left of the scene view. Toggle on or off, and open the dropdown" +
"to change the color.";
// When the dropdown is opened, ShowColorMenu is invoked and we can create a popup menu.
dropdownClicked += ShowColorMenu;
// Subscribe to the Scene View OnGUI callback so that we can draw our color swatch.
SceneView.duringSceneGui += DrawColorSwatch;
void DrawColorSwatch(SceneView view)
// Test that this callback is for the Scene View that we're interested in, and also check if the toggle is on
// or off (value).
if (view != containerWindow || !value)
GUI.color = colors[colorIndex];
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(8, 8, 120, 24), Texture2D.whiteTexture);
GUI.color = Color.white;
// When the dropdown button is clicked, this method will create a popup menu at the mouse cursor position.
void ShowColorMenu()
var menu = new GenericMenu();
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Red"), colorIndex == 0, () => colorIndex = 0);
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Green"), colorIndex == 1, () => colorIndex = 1);
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Blue"), colorIndex == 2, () => colorIndex = 2);
// All Overlays must be tagged with the OverlayAttribute
[Overlay(typeof(SceneView), "Placement Tools")]
// IconAttribute provides a way to define an icon for when an Overlay is in collapsed form. If not provided, the first
// two letters of the Overlay name will be used.
// Toolbar overlays must inherit `ToolbarOverlay` and implement a parameter-less constructor. The contents of a toolbar
// are populated with string IDs, which are passed to the base constructor. IDs are defined by
// EditorToolbarElementAttribute.
public class EditorToolbarExample : ToolbarOverlay
// ToolbarOverlay implements a parameterless constructor, passing 2 EditorToolbarElementAttribute IDs. This will
// create a toolbar overlay with buttons for the CreateCubes and DropdownToggleExample examples.
// This is the only code required to implement a toolbar overlay. Unlike panel overlays, the contents are defined
// as standalone pieces that will be collected to form a strip of elements.
EditorToolbarExample() : base(,