版本:Unity 6 (6000.0)
URP 中渲染图系统的介绍
URP 中渲染图系统中的纹理

使用 URP 中的渲染图系统编写渲染通道


为了说明描述,本页面使用了将 相机一个组件,用于创建场景中特定视点的图像。输出要么绘制到屏幕上,要么捕获为纹理。 更多信息
参见 词汇表


将渲染通道声明为继承自 ScriptableRenderPass 类的类。



资源可以是常规的 C# 变量和渲染图资源引用。渲染图系统可以在渲染代码执行期间访问此数据结构。确保只声明渲染通道使用的变量。添加不必要的变量会降低性能。

class PassData
    internal TextureHandle copySourceTexture;

The RecordRenderGraph 方法填充数据,渲染图将其作为参数传递给渲染函数。


声明一个渲染函数,该函数为渲染通道生成渲染命令。在该示例中,RecordRenderGraph 方法指示渲染图使用 SetRenderFunc 方法使用该函数。

static void ExecutePass(PassData data, RasterGraphContext context)
    // Records a rendering command to copy, or blit, the contents of the source texture
    // to the color render target of the render pass.
    // The RecordRenderGraph method sets the destination texture as the render target
    // with the UseTextureFragment method.
    Blitter.BlitTexture(context.cmd, data.copySourceTexture,
        new Vector4(1, 1, 0, 0), 0, false);

实现 RecordRenderGraph 方法

使用 RecordRenderGraph 方法在渲染图系统中添加和配置一个或多个渲染通道。

Unity 在渲染图配置步骤期间调用此方法,并允许您为渲染图执行注册相关通道和资源。使用此方法实现自定义渲染。

RecordRenderGraph 方法中,您声明渲染通道的输入和输出,但不会向命令缓冲区添加命令。

以下部分描述了 RecordRenderGraph 方法的主要元素,并提供一个示例实现。


builder 变量是 IRasterRenderGraphBuilder 接口的实例。此变量是配置与渲染通道相关信息的入口点。

The UniversalResourceData 类包含 URP 使用的所有纹理资源,包括相机的活动颜色和深度纹理。

The UniversalCameraData 类包含与当前活动相机相关的数据。

为了演示目的,此示例创建一个临时目标纹理。UniversalRenderer.CreateRenderGraphTexture 是一个辅助方法,它调用 RenderGraph.CreateTexture 方法。

TextureHandle destination =
    UniversalRenderer.CreateRenderGraphTexture(renderGraph, desc, "CopyTexture", false);

builder.UseTexture 方法声明此渲染通道将源纹理用作只读输入。


在此示例中,builder.SetRenderAttachment 方法声明此渲染通道将临时目标纹理用作其颜色渲染目标。此声明类似于 cmd.SetRenderTarget API,您可以在兼容模式(无渲染图 API)中使用。

SetRenderFunc 方法将 ExecutePass 方法设置为渲染图在执行渲染通道时调用的渲染函数。此示例使用 lambda 表达式来避免内存分配。

builder.SetRenderFunc((PassData data, RasterGraphContext context) => ExecutePass(data, context));

The RecordRenderGraph 方法的完整示例

// This method adds and configures one or more render passes in the render graph.
// This process includes declaring their inputs and outputs,
// but does not include adding commands to command buffers.
public override void RecordRenderGraph(RenderGraph renderGraph, ContextContainer frameData)
    string passName = "Copy To Debug Texture";

    // Add a raster render pass to the render graph. The PassData type parameter determines
    // the type of the passData output variable.
    using (var builder = renderGraph.AddRasterRenderPass<PassData>(passName,
        out var passData))
        // UniversalResourceData contains all the texture references used by URP,
        // including the active color and depth textures of the camera.
        UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get<UniversalResourceData>();

        // Populate passData with the data needed by the rendering function
        // of the render pass.
        // Use the camera's active color texture
        // as the source texture for the copy operation.
        passData.copySourceTexture = resourceData.activeColorTexture;

        // Create a destination texture for the copy operation based on the settings,
        // such as dimensions, of the textures that the camera uses.
        // Set msaaSamples to 1 to get a non-multisampled destination texture.
        // Set depthBufferBits to 0 to ensure that the CreateRenderGraphTexture method
        // creates a color texture and not a depth texture.
        UniversalCameraData cameraData = frameData.Get<UniversalCameraData>();
        RenderTextureDescriptor desc = cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor;
        desc.msaaSamples = 1;
        desc.depthBufferBits = 0;

        // For demonstrative purposes, this sample creates a temporary destination texture.
        // UniversalRenderer.CreateRenderGraphTexture is a helper method
        // that calls the RenderGraph.CreateTexture method.
        // Using a RenderTextureDescriptor instance instead of a TextureDesc instance
        // simplifies your code.
        TextureHandle destination =
            UniversalRenderer.CreateRenderGraphTexture(renderGraph, desc,
                "CopyTexture", false);

        // Declare that this render pass uses the source texture as a read-only input.

        // Declare that this render pass uses the temporary destination texture
        // as its color render target.
        // This is similar to cmd.SetRenderTarget prior to the RenderGraph API.
        builder.SetRenderAttachment(destination, 0);

        // RenderGraph automatically determines that it can remove this render pass
        // because its results, which are stored in the temporary destination texture,
        // are not used by other passes.
        // For demonstrative purposes, this sample turns off this behavior to make sure
        // that render graph executes the render pass. 

        // Set the ExecutePass method as the rendering function that render graph calls
        // for the render pass. 
        // This sample uses a lambda expression to avoid memory allocations.
        builder.SetRenderFunc((PassData data, RasterGraphContext context)
            => ExecutePass(data, context));


要将可脚本化渲染通道实例注入渲染器,请使用来自渲染器功能实现的 AddRenderPasses 方法。URP 每一帧调用一次 AddRenderPasses 方法,每个相机调用一次。

public override void AddRenderPasses(ScriptableRenderer renderer, ref RenderingData renderingData)


URP 中渲染图系统的介绍
URP 中渲染图系统中的纹理